Thursday, February 27, 2020

Enterotube case study Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enterotube case study - Lab Report Example Within 3 hours the patient suffered from severe vomiting, feelings of nausea and diarrhea. He also felt consistent abdominal cramps. He had developed mild fever while being admitted. This is a clear case of food poisoning since no other symptoms are visible. No other complication developed. However since several species of bacteria can cause food poisoning it is important to accurately point out the causal microbe for proper treatment approach. In order to reach a proper diagnostic conclusion several tests needs to be conducted to accurately identify the exact species of the pathogenic bacteria responsible for causing the symptoms in the patient. The Enterotube IITM System has been used to help in identification since several evaluations have shown that the system is both simple to use and rapid for analysis of bacterial species (Martin et al, 1971, p.96).It is a pre-packaged diagnostic tool used for identification of Gram Negative bacteria in Enterobactericeae family. Even though the procedure is less reliable than conventional molecular methods yet the advantage of using this system lies in the fact that all the tests can be done simultaneously using just one single colony (Grunberg et al, 1969, p.207). After proper scoring and calculation it can be said accurately that the causal microorganism is S.aureus. S.aureus is a fairly common bacterium found o skin and in noses of even healthy individuals (CDC, 2014).The severity of the food poisoning developed depends on the amount of food ingested.This bacterium is primarily spread through food especially when food is handled under unsanitary conditions. Since patient is a growing child no medical intervention will necessary at this stage. However, rest and intake of large amounts of fluid is absolutely essential for proper

Monday, February 10, 2020

Law in the Healthcare System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law in the Healthcare System - Essay Example Written rules lay down protocols that direct the practice of healthcare system. By so doing, it encompasses the rights and freedom of all stakeholders and major interest groups. For instance, the healthcare system in place should take into account patients’ health welfare as well as promote the social and economic welfare of caregivers. In this regard, there is a balance between patients-caregivers interaction, so that none of the two becomes better off at the expense of the other. Written rules, therefore, assist in evaluating the functionality, performance, and efficiency of the healthcare system in place. Loopholes identified within the system can further be accounted for by relevant rules. On the same note, written rules provide a guideline to the practice of the system, coordinate healthcare activities across the sector and monitor the conduct of all stakeholders bound to the system. There are pros and cons to account for with regard to the integration of written rules in the healthcare system. Healthcare system that accounts for the social, cultural, economic and political factors to determine personal and social welfare cannot be fully operational in the absence of written rules. This is because ethical and unethical concerns will arise from time to time, and the mechanism through which they need to be addressed necessitates the need for written rules. Written rules combine all the four major factors to drive the system forward and make improvement adjustment as the need arises. On the other hand, there are negative aspects that come with written rules. Written rules are often rigid and bureaucracy complicates the reform process of written rules. It, therefore, takes a long process before these rules are changed even when there is a dire need to do so.Â